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Legionaire Objects.ddb Mod

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Installation Directions:
Open Renegade and connect to WOL.
Then Alt+Tab your Renegade and insert the objects.ddb into your Renegade\Data folder, Which is usually:
C:\Program Files\EA Games\Command & Conquer The First Decade\Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)enegade\Data
Then, Your good to go!
I suggest you play in either a server with a lot of people, Or play without Scripts 3.4.4

What does the mod have?
- Velocity upgrades on all vehicles
- Turn rates increased on missiles for apache, orca, MRLS, and stealth tank
- Range upgrades on all vehicles
- Slight increase on ROF On all vehicles
- Major ROF Increase on Orca/Apache
- Right click pistol insta-kill (RenegadeFDS Servers detect damage hacks IMMEDIATELY, This is meant for single player, LAN, Etc)

This hack is meant to make you better with vehicles.

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