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5$Hack v3.6.9

  • Kategorie: Battlefield Hereos
  • Entwickler:
  • Hochgeladen von: KN4CK3R
  • Hinzugefügt am:
  • System: Windows
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- Bone Aimbot (also aims at passengers etc.)
- Aim Methods: Closest To Crosshair, Closest by Distance, Lowest Health
- Movement Prediction
- No Spread
- Ping Correction
- Auto Aim
- Auto Switch
- Smooth Aim
- Smart Auto Fire
- Aim FOV
- Aimbones: Head, Chest and Crotch
- Aimkeys: Left Shift, Left Control, Left Alt, Right Mousebutton
- Visibility Checks
- Stealth Checks
- Sniper special (auto switch of aimbone, use with knife + sniper)
- Box ESP (infantry + vehicle)
- Bone ESP
- Health Bars (changing color depending on health percentage)
- Level ESP
- Name ESP
- Class ESP
- Distance ESP
- Line ESP
- Vehicle ESP
- Working Vehicle Health (blue bars)
- Stealth ESP
- Movable 2D Radar
- Visibility Checks
- Class Proximity Warnings
- Enemy Line of Sight ( "Player Is Aiming At You" )
- Team Checks
- Clickable Menu with Tabs
- Menu Animations with Speed Modifier
- Saved / Load Settings ( Menu- / Aimkey not savable )
- Crosshair
- Scoreboard
- All possible Renderer Tweaks (viewdist increase, no sky, no fog, ...)
- Choosable Menukey
- PBSS Blocker
- Insert is the default menukey
- Arrow Keys move the Radar when enabled
- Be careful with editing the created .ini file, some values are a bit  distracting and might be different from what is displayed ingame

Credits to: Roverturbo, zoomgod, Strife, Winslow,  Freaky123,  Hanoi22, Haxing4Life,  Freeheadshot and 5$andimyours
Thanks to Killamachine for being such a big help with testing
- 10/19/10 Removed vs2008 runtime dependency
- 10/22/10 Few changes, undetected again
- 10/30/10 Added Health Bars, some changes
- 11/05/10 Clickable + movable Menu added, Removed Renderer Tweaks except Viewdistance increase, some minor bugfixes
- 12/10/10 Added whole Aimbot feature, way too much more changes to list
- 01/21/11 Added Lvl, Name, Class, Distance ESP, whole new menu, other changes
- 01/28/11 Added Line, Vehicle, Class Proximity, changed "not at     stealthed" feature of the aimbot.. (can now aim at cloaked mandos when     near)
- 02/04/11 Aimbot faster, fixed a bug with Vehicle ESP, optimized auto shoot
- 02/05/11 Added choosable menukey...
- 03/26/11 Added No Spread, 360 degrees aiming, fixed stealth esp (hope so), optimized menu source structure
- 04/16/11 Self-made menu, Enemy LoS, Aim Methods, Save/Load Settings, many tiny things added

taken from uc-forum.com

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