CoD6Esp AlterIWnet v2.07 Downloads › Call of Duty Series › Call of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2 Kategorie: Call of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2 Entwickler: shadowx360 Hochgeladen von: KN4CK3R Hinzugefügt am: Mi 30. Nov 2011, 16:08 System: Windows Datei nicht verfügbar. Datei nicht verfügbar. Beschreibung Bei Problemen mit einem Hack hilftein Blick in die FAQ! There was a recent thread asking for a working wallhack for aIW. Here it is.Move the iw4m1.dll and the Sounds folder to your game directory.Disable updates for aIW.Extract the rest of the files and launch the .exe AFTER you join a game. If you have crashes with this, try injecting with another injector like PerX.Credits to 9thnetti.Features:Name EspDistance EspBone EspWeapon ESPItem EspBox EspStatsTeam CheckNo spreadKeys:F4 bones on/offF5 items on/offF6 explosives on/offF7 toggle bannerF8 name distance weapon on/offF9 plane heli turret on/offF10 weapon icon on/offF11 box on/offNum1 laser on/offNum2 fps on/offNum3 thirdperson on/offNum4 lightmap on/offNum5 fullbright on/offNum6 nofog on/offNum7 nogun on/offNum8 recoil on/offNum9 crosshair on/off