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BF3 +5 Trainer September Patch

  • Kategorie: Battlefield 3
  • Entwickler:
  • Hochgeladen von: KN4CK3R
  • Hinzugefügt am:
  • System: Windows
Download (2.36 MB)

VirusTotal Ergebnis: 4/45




1. Ctrl + F1: No Spread.

This will stop your bullets from spreading out.

2. Ctrl + F2: Reduce Recoil.

Reduces the guns recoil.

3. Ctrl + F3: Steady Shot/Hold Breath.

This allows you to hold your breath for 100,000 seconds, useful for sniping.

4. Ctrl + F4: Nametags.

Displays all nametags.

5. Ctrl + F5: Minimap.

Shows everything on the minimap.


The same like in previous versions of this trainer:
- For hardcore mode, it will not draw only nametags.

Detection status:

Do NOT use it on Punkbuster enabled server.

Use it in your own risk!

Download BF3 +5 Trainer September Patch
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