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Benutzersuche: kribi31

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Go to first new post [Release] Simple BF3 Hack (Multi-page thread 1 2) Erstellt am: Do 17. Sep 2015, 21:59


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Just work on TDM (all combinations). In rush or conquest the hack only work if you are in a vehicle, when you live it, the game crash instantly.
Please fix it :)
Battlefield 3

Do 29. Okt 2015, 10:17

von aquabb Go to last post
24 12341

Go to first new post [Release] Simple BF3 Hack (Multi-page thread 1 2) Erstellt am: Do 17. Sep 2015, 21:59


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Zitat von kribi31 post
Just work on TDM (all combinations). In rush or conquest the hack only work if you are in a vehicle, when you live it, the game crash instantly.
Please fix it
Battlefield 3

Do 29. Okt 2015, 10:17

von aquabb Go to last post
24 12341

Go to first new post [Release] Simple BF3 Hack (Multi-page thread 1 2) Erstellt am: Do 17. Sep 2015, 21:59


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The latest version is not detected, but its normal if you get banned if your score is 100/5
But the Hack stay instable when you use it in a vehicle map :/
Battlefield 3

Do 29. Okt 2015, 10:17

von aquabb Go to last post
24 12341

Go to first new post [Release] Simple BF3 Hack (Multi-page thread 1 2) Erstellt am: Do 17. Sep 2015, 21:59


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Okay, the last version is detected in many serv..
Battlefield 3

Do 29. Okt 2015, 10:17

von aquabb Go to last post
24 12341

Go to first new post [Release] Simple BF3 Hack (Multi-page thread 1 2) Erstellt am: Do 17. Sep 2015, 21:59


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Before : The hack was undetected but crash in vehicle maps (Conquest, Coop and Campaign )
Now : The hack work good in vehicle maps but it's detected :/
Battlefield 3

Do 29. Okt 2015, 10:17

von aquabb Go to last post
24 12341