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Go to first new post [Release] OldSchoolHack Fusion 1.1.4 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Letzte Seite) Erstellt am: Di 25. Dez 2012, 20:50


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Zitat von Re
Bugs that really need fixed
1.) CS:S : If you desktop out of the game, and you go back into CS:S and open menu it crashes
2.) CS:S : If you play long enough or its just other way if you have aimkey and use it very long it crashes 
3.) COD4 : Nothing works except radar and recoil 
4.) CS:GO : Nothing happens everything (Mostly crashes)
Things that would be cool if added These would all be needed to be enabled from menu btw just cause its better then all enabled
1.) Bhop possibly like bh4x's bhop (really smooth)
2.) Auto straffer
3.) possibly some anti-aimbot features like the x n y and some modes like jitter,spin,flick
4.)psilent (ENABLE OPTION)
5.) Chams (chams colorization)
<3 Vexual
Counter-Strike: Source

So 17. Mai 2020, 18:53

von GamesofFreak Go to last post
433 161810

Go to first new post [Release] OldSchoolHack Fusion 1.1.4 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Letzte Seite) Erstellt am: Di 25. Dez 2012, 20:50


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Re upload january 2016
Counter-Strike: Source

So 17. Mai 2020, 18:53

von GamesofFreak Go to last post
433 161810
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