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Go to first new post [Release] BF1 Internal Hack Unleashed Source + Release (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5) Erstellt am: Mi 5. Jul 2017, 13:08


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It's a corrupted file. Can't open zip.
Battlefield 1

So 18. Feb 2018, 15:51

von aljawary12 Go to last post
89 45295

Go to first new post [Release] BF1 Internal Hack Unleashed Source + Release (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5) Erstellt am: Mi 5. Jul 2017, 13:08


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Zitat von julien8398 post
Zitat von thenextlevelz post
It's a corrupted file. Can't open zip.
Me too
I think he fixed it. Thanks for the source code Netspider1! Keep up the great work!
Battlefield 1

So 18. Feb 2018, 15:51

von aljawary12 Go to last post
89 45295

Go to first new post [Release] BF1 Internal Hack Unleashed Source + Release (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5) Erstellt am: Mi 5. Jul 2017, 13:08


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Zitat von echave post
how use?? little tutorial pleas! thanks!!
You have to inject the .dll file into bf1. I use Cheat Engine. Search on Google how to inject a dll file in a program using CE.
Battlefield 1

So 18. Feb 2018, 15:51

von aljawary12 Go to last post
89 45295

Go to first new post [Release] BF1 Internal Hack Unleashed Source + Release (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5) Erstellt am: Mi 5. Jul 2017, 13:08


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Zitat von julien8398 post
Zitat von thenextlevelz post
Zitat von julien8398 post
Zitat von thenextlevelz post
It's a corrupted file. Can't open zip.
Me too
I think he fixed it. Thanks for the source code Netspider1! Keep up the great work!
My game crash when inject
Jup mine too....
Battlefield 1

So 18. Feb 2018, 15:51

von aljawary12 Go to last post
89 45295

Go to first new post [Release] BF1 Internal Hack Unleashed Source + Release (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5) Erstellt am: Mi 5. Jul 2017, 13:08


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Today Battlefield 1 got a new update. It seems that the new version has patched this hack, I don't know if it's this hack in particular.
on all versions of this hack the game just quits. Don't blame the developer, EA/Dice has patched something!
Battlefield 1

So 18. Feb 2018, 15:51

von aljawary12 Go to last post
89 45295
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