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Go to first new post [Release] BF4 Stream Series Beta V0.4 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3) Erstellt am: Fr 6. Jan 2017, 00:54


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works perfect.. when the game is in window mode
Battlefield 4

Mo 27. Mär 2017, 03:18

von ravnen Go to last post
52 10982

Go to first new post [Release] BF4 Stream Series Beta V0.4 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3) Erstellt am: Fr 6. Jan 2017, 00:54


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Zitat von wardrone post
works perfect.. when the game is in window mode
you guys need to be in window mode, and start the hack 1st then a game. but when you start the game go back to hack and wait for it to load fully when it opens the second window of the hack.. then go back to the game and play.
Battlefield 4

Mo 27. Mär 2017, 03:18

von ravnen Go to last post
52 10982

Go to first new post [Release] BF4 Stream Series Beta V0.4 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3) Erstellt am: Fr 6. Jan 2017, 00:54


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Zitat von RaccoonRecker post
dude.. im using it all the time and it never kicked me out of the game or banned me. i always go on server where are listed ''Punkbuster and FairFight'' both are turned ON ..and never got kicked. i don't know what you doing that you say detected..
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  • Battlefield 4

    Mo 27. Mär 2017, 03:18

    von ravnen Go to last post
    52 10982

    Go to first new post [Release] BF4 Stream Series Beta V0.4 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3) Erstellt am: Fr 6. Jan 2017, 00:54


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    Zitat von wardrone post
    Zitat von RaccoonRecker post
    dude.. im using it all the time and it never kicked me out of the game or banned me. i always go on server where are listed ''Punkbuster and FairFight'' both are turned ON ..and never got kicked. i don't know what you doing that you say detected..
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  • and yeah.. only press F7 & F8 when you get into game..nothing more.. others that are already turned on they are working. and those F3 & F4 works too i think, but you don't need them. and those F11, F12, F2, F1.. don't ever press. .same as NUMPAD5 and this F10 Panic Mode.. NEVER touch that. I never pressed F10 cuz I don't know what it does and I don't want to know.. maybe that gets you banned or kicked.. dunno.. but don't press that..neither NUMPAD5 Safe Mod. now. good luck m8
    Battlefield 4

    Mo 27. Mär 2017, 03:18

    von ravnen Go to last post
    52 10982

    Go to first new post [Release] BF4 Stream Series Beta V0.4 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3) Erstellt am: Fr 6. Jan 2017, 00:54


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    Zitat von Underrecover post
    Anyone who get detected please just, if you use wallhack use it with bit caution, at least pretend you dont look at that direction, thats cause you get detected and suspisous by others. I using no recoil and thats already is huge pluss agains enemys especially if you know how to shoot. Besides that, never get detected, playing nicely, and rarely using wallhack, just cause my eyes pulling on places i should't watch. Other than that wonderfull hack, easy to use, and no complains. Love it. Keep up with good work.
    tru bro. im doing it too. i sometimes turn wallhack when the enemy tank is near me so i can run to him and plant c4 xD or just run away to hide further from him. or i use only to see where snipers are. but when i see them i pretend to like i didnt see them.. i dont shoot till they shoot on me and miss..or kill me.. then i revenge lol. in other way this hack work. but im using. v0.4... not v0.5 the new one that he putted.. i dont know why he puts nev updated hack when bf4 didnt have any update or anything.. so for me v0.4 works like a charm. never kicked never anything
    Battlefield 4

    Mo 27. Mär 2017, 03:18

    von ravnen Go to last post
    52 10982

    Go to first new post [Release] BF4 Stream Series Beta V0.4 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3) Erstellt am: Fr 6. Jan 2017, 00:54


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    Zitat von eisenhower post
    If I understood well wardrobe you say that using the trick alone in esp mode punkbuster does not detect you? ... and that works well in that mode? Version 4.0? It's so correct, you confirm it again?
    well i didnt try v0.5 yet.. and i dnt want to. i dnt see the purpose using it..if bf4 update didnt come.. so why the new updated hack? for me thats rly strange.. and how i see..when that v0.5 came.. everybody complained about being detected or something.. so at that point im not gonna try to use v0.5 yet. v0.4 still seems fine to me.. never got kicked. i tried to turn all hacks on..and stil ldidnt get the kick. i do use sometimes esp like i said cuz of enemy tanks or snipers.. and it never kicks me. even norecoil is On. well v0.4 works perfect ^^ ..just never touch panic mode, safe mode or unlock all. othervise you get kicked out.. with ''unlock all''...but with panic & safe mode..i think you will get banned.. for other thing like no mini-map i didnt try.. and i dnt need that to try. for unlimited ammo and no gravity..they dnt work i tried that. and those all ESP...they work..you can have them all the time on ON. same as no spread and no recoil. it wont kick you.. and if you play like ''normal'' ..player wont think you hack..and you wont get report. cheers bros.
    Battlefield 4

    Mo 27. Mär 2017, 03:18

    von ravnen Go to last post
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    Go to first new post [Release] BF4 Stream Series Beta V0.4 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3) Erstellt am: Fr 6. Jan 2017, 00:54


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    Zitat von pullup post
    Zitat von pullup post
    Detected and banned, does anybody know how I can unban?
    I meant  BF4 STREAM SERIES BETA V0.4 not the new one
    why i didnt get ban or kick or somethin on v0.4? lol im still playing with it. what do you guys doing to get banned?  rofl
    Battlefield 4

    Mo 27. Mär 2017, 03:18

    von ravnen Go to last post
    52 10982

    Go to first new post [Release] BF4 Stream Series Beta V0.4 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3) Erstellt am: Fr 6. Jan 2017, 00:54


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    Zitat von Fehc4 post
    Why the hack stay out of the window game?
    1. Go window mode(BF4 game)
    2. Stay on hack while it loads.. 
    3. When overlay comes press on the game
    4. Play.
    PS. If that doesn't happen.. just exit the hack and do all over again till the overlay stay on the the game.
    Battlefield 4

    Mo 27. Mär 2017, 03:18

    von ravnen Go to last post
    52 10982

    Go to first new post [Release] BF4 Stream Series Beta V0.4 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3) Erstellt am: Fr 6. Jan 2017, 00:54


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    Zitat von pullup post
    Zitat von wardrone post
    Zitat von pullup post
    Zitat von pullup post
    Detected and banned, does anybody know how I can unban?
    I meant  BF4 STREAM SERIES BETA V0.4 not the new one
    why i didnt get ban or kick or somethin on v0.4? lol im still playing with it. what do you guys doing to get banned?  rofl
    If is detected the best you can do is not use it, otherwise you will get banned in some moment.
    meh i don't even care if i get banned ^^
    Battlefield 4

    Mo 27. Mär 2017, 03:18

    von ravnen Go to last post
    52 10982

    Go to first new post [Release] Warframe Hack v1.0 Erstellt am: Sa 10. Sep 2016, 16:56


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    bro can you update the hack?
    Other FPS Games

    Mi 1. Mär 2017, 02:57

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