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Go to first new post [Release] CoD4 Mutihack Erstellt am: Sa 11. Jul 2015, 10:52


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Almost perfect! If only there were a way to disable the wallhack from the options menu, it would be perfect.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Mo 18. Mär 2019, 22:48

von Antonin44110 Go to last post
11 15136

Go to first new post [Release] CoD4BOT v1.0 Erstellt am: Fr 31. Okt 2014, 21:33


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Works, but it's quite useless to have hotkeys for all the display stuff and no way to disable the autoaim/fire/ESP pieces, or to get rid of the enormous overlay text of the bot itelf.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Fr 28. Apr 2017, 23:00

von geekahedron Go to last post
13 11229