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Go to first new post [Release] Utilitary of Battlefield 4 Erstellt am: Sa 22. Nov 2014, 13:42


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Unlock all means you dont unlock new weapons you unlook only new atachments for you weapons wich you get without hack.
Battlefield 4

So 28. Mai 2017, 21:01

von Gott12 Go to last post
9 6230

Go to first new post [Release] Utilitary of Battlefield 4 Erstellt am: Sa 22. Nov 2014, 13:42


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I am sry for my worst language here but my english is very bad so i have sometimes problems to say sth correctly ;D
Battlefield 4

So 28. Mai 2017, 21:01

von Gott12 Go to last post
9 6230

Go to first new post [Release] Piehack v1.1 Erstellt am: Mi 22. Okt 2014, 16:50


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Hack seit heute außer Funktion. Das neue update hat ihn gefixt. Aber es gibt immer noch sooooo viele Hacker O_o
Battlefield 4

Di 18. Nov 2014, 17:41

von orchox Go to last post
6 2606