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Go to first new post [Release] AdvancedBF3_v1.2.dll (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Letzte Seite) Erstellt am: So 18. Jan 2015, 14:56


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I can't respawn with this
Battlefield 3

Mo 26. Sep 2016, 22:55

von Clanchanning1 Go to last post
112 32634

Go to first new post [Request] Nemesis boosting Erstellt am: Mi 21. Jan 2015, 13:23


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I need 3 more people to boost with me, if you don't know how, google it. I prefer "nemesis boosting", but if you teach me, we could use other ways too. I'll be boosting today till about 16:00 GMT (I'm in Thailand, so for me that's 23:00). P.S. Please tell me if you know any other ways of boosting. To boost with me tell me your battlelog nickname.
Battlefield 3

Mi 21. Jan 2015, 23:12

von Ach Go to last post
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