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Go to first new post [Release] Daily Draw/Claw CommandLine Client (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4) Erstellt am: Do 3. Apr 2014, 21:31


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I've edited this script (Battlefield Heroes). And now works to my liking. If anyone wants to know how it works, PM me.
Battlefield Heroes

Mi 8. Apr 2015, 11:06

von GloryHole123123 Go to last post
60 7359

Go to first new post [Release] Daily Draw/Claw CommandLine Client (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4) Erstellt am: Do 3. Apr 2014, 21:31


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Zitat von Tyypico post
Greetings KN4CK3R

I Have Multiple Accounts That I Need To Claim The Claw On.
Currectly I Have Multiple .bat Files Connected To One Account Each.
Some Way To Add All Accounts To A Single .bat Or Another .bat That Would Run The Other .bat Files Would Be Very Useful To Have
That's easy if you know batch language, make a new textfile, and open it.
Type the following code: 
TEXT Code:
  1. @echo off
  2. call claw1.bat
  3. call claw2.bat
  4. call claw3.bat
  5. pause

Replace the claw1, etc. with whatever you like. You can "call" as much claws as you want. If you are premium and want to get the 2 claws, just call the same one twice.
Save the textfile by pressing "Save as" and change the name to claw.bat or something. Don't forget to select the "Any file type" underneath the name.
You can also remove the "pause" to let the script shut down automatically after all claws have been received.
Battlefield Heroes

Mi 8. Apr 2015, 11:06

von GloryHole123123 Go to last post
60 7359

Go to first new post [Release] Daily Draw/Claw CommandLine Client (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4) Erstellt am: Do 3. Apr 2014, 21:31


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That means that you've already claimed it, or your password is incorrect.
Battlefield Heroes

Mi 8. Apr 2015, 11:06

von GloryHole123123 Go to last post
60 7359

Go to first new post [Release] Daily Draw/Claw CommandLine Client (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4) Erstellt am: Do 3. Apr 2014, 21:31


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Zitat von unknownhacker20 post
is there anyway to get more then 1 Daily /Claw or make the time get faster?
look 5 posts back or so. Also it's in the read-me I sent you.
Battlefield Heroes

Mi 8. Apr 2015, 11:06

von GloryHole123123 Go to last post
60 7359