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Go to first new post [Release] Polyhack Suite: Radar, Triggerbot, ESP, RCS (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Letzte Seite) Erstellt am: Di 19. Mai 2015, 15:23


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dont get the slow aim working
edit, i get slow aim if i press trigger button. but no trigger bot. dont know what wents wrong
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Fr 1. Apr 2016, 17:33

von zikkotheman Go to last post
294 49398

Go to first new post [Release] External DLL Aim Assist (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4) Erstellt am: Mi 1. Jul 2015, 12:01


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inject it in a running process, not csgo. something like notepad. you need a tool like "Winject"
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

So 29. Nov 2015, 22:05

von Gaggara Go to last post
62 29664

Go to first new post [Release] External DLL Aim Assist (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4) Erstellt am: Mi 1. Jul 2015, 12:01


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you activate/deactivate with numpad 0 
you can change it in the config, here you can look wich key is wich hex key:
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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

So 29. Nov 2015, 22:05

von Gaggara Go to last post
62 29664

Go to first new post [Release] External DLL Aim Assist (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4) Erstellt am: Mi 1. Jul 2015, 12:01


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just one match tested 17hours ago, no vac for this but i cant say more
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

So 29. Nov 2015, 22:05

von Gaggara Go to last post
62 29664

Go to first new post [Release] External DLL Aim Assist (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4) Erstellt am: Mi 1. Jul 2015, 12:01


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Zitat von CatalinXcS post
Doesn't work...don't install it , it's a virus!!!!!!!!!!
Well worked pretty good before csgo update, you can set it really smooth. So no one should detect you in overwatch. but be carefull, if the target is running behind a wall while you are shooting it keeps tragging
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

So 29. Nov 2015, 22:05

von Gaggara Go to last post
62 29664
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