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Game Hacks

Game Hacks

Included is: HackBase (renderer, hooking, some other useful stuff) Morpher (Modify binary to defeat patterns. only works with some gcc compiled binaries, prove of concept) DayZ Standalone hack (pretty clean source, but outdated) Battlefield 3 hack (only a basic one) Battlefield Bad Company 2 hack (only
20. Jun 2017
More advanced ISurface drawing

More advanced ISurface drawing

Firstly u need more classes from Source Engine - it is IIndexBuffer and VertexBuffer: struct VertexDesc_t { // These can be set to zero if there are pointers to dummy buffers, when the // actual buffer format doesn't contain the data but it needs to be safe to // use all the CMeshBuilder functions.
16. Jun 2017
Crossout Public ESP Source

Crossout Public ESP Source

Basic line ESP for Crossout How to use: Inject with whatever injector -- press insert in game to toggle line esp
15. Jun 2017
Galaxy Source

Galaxy Source

SourceCode of the GTA V Galaxy Menu.
9. Jun 2017
Viking Wpt Version Src

Viking Wpt Version Src

ins menu del console j mode change f1-4 buy weapon v autobuy off f chasecam ///// p idhook -0- attack all no matter if set to "ON" or "OFF" -1- priority to attack - (attack all, set to "ON" to attack selected first, use "OFF" to not attack) -2- locking the enemy - (attack off, use "ON" to attack) name
7. Jun 2017
Titan Hook

Titan Hook

Titan Hook A.K.A UD v2 undefeated v2 edit
2. Jun 2017
Godzilla CoD4 Source

Godzilla CoD4 Source

Has a ton of features, hardcoded assembler code for no spread, uses 80-bit precision FPU math for final aim calculations, experimental aimbot implementations, a nice PBSS cleaner, etc... GitHub: Settings(default cfg file is CODFISH.jpg): Auto Vote=0 Auto Melee=0 Auto Melee Range=2.90 Player Auto Aim=0
2. Jun 2017
Intersystems Base

Intersystems Base

70% copy paste, changed menu fixed CFG added some functions and fixed bugs.
31. Mai 2017