Lion [AION BOT] Downloads › Other FPS Games Category: Other FPS Games Developer: shiftypowers Uploaded by: KN4CK3R Uploaded at: Fri 26. Apr 2013, 14:22 System: Windows Download (166.26 KB) VirusTotal Result: 1/46 Download (166.26 KB) Description Problems or Questions regarding the hack?Take a look at our FAQ Lion.exe is what you see above, config.lua is offsets(no need to recompile) and your character name Press Load Config and choose your script file cleric_bot.lua is a simple script I wrote to control my cleric. new script for my cleric:TEXT Code:require 'config' Update() key_heal = N1key_loot = N5key_rest = N6 sequence = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2 }c = 1 resting = false last_cast = GetTickCount() + 2500 function checkrest() if < 500 then SendKey(N6) return true end return falseend function docombat() if last_cast < GetTickCount() then ab = hotbar[sequence[c]] last_cast = GetTickCount() + ab.duration UseAbility(ab) c = c + 1 if c > 7 then c = 1 end end end function main() Update() if player.hp < 500 then SendKey(key_heal) Wait(500) end if > 0 then if == or resting == true then do return end end docombat() else SendKey(key_loot) Wait(4000) SendKey(Tab) end if < 500 then SendKey(key_rest) resting = true end if resting == true then if > 1500 then resting = false SendKey(key_rest) end end end here's the new config file (contains all keys if you need them)TEXT Code:updateinterval = 100 playername = "Godpoing"hp_addr = 0xFBC1B0maxhp_addr = 0xFBC1ACmaxmp_addr = 0xFBC1B4mp_addr = 0xFBC1B8name_addr = 0xFB329Cexp_addr = 0xFBC1A0target_pointer = 0xB45EA4hotbaraddr = 0x102D648playerx = 0xFB2E80playery = 0xFB2E7Cplayerz = 0xFB2E84 state_normal = 0state_attack = 1state_resting = 3 LeftButton = 0x01RightButton = 0x02Cancel = 0x03MiddleButton = 0x04ExtraButton1 = 0x05ExtraButton2 = 0x06Back = 0x08Tab = 0x09Clear = 0x0CReturn = 0x0DShift = 0x10Control = 0x11Menu = 0x12Pause = 0x13CapsLock = 0x14Kana = 0x15Hangeul = 0x15Hangul = 0x15Junja = 0x17Final = 0x18Hanja = 0x19Kanji = 0x19Escape = 0x1BConvert = 0x1CNonConvert = 0x1DAccept = 0x1EModeChange = 0x1FSpace = 0x20Prior = 0x21Next = 0x22End = 0x23Home = 0x24Left = 0x25Up = 0x26Right = 0x27Down = 0x28Select = 0x29Print = 0x2AExecute = 0x2BSnapshot = 0x2CInsert = 0x2DDelete = 0x2EHelp = 0x2FN0 = 0x30N1 = 0x31N2 = 0x32N3 = 0x33N4 = 0x34N5 = 0x35N6 = 0x36N7 = 0x37N8 = 0x38N9 = 0x39A = 0x41B = 0x42C = 0x43D = 0x44E = 0x45F = 0x46G = 0x47H = 0x48I = 0x49J = 0x4AK = 0x4BL = 0x4CM = 0x4DN = 0x4EO = 0x4FP = 0x50Q = 0x51R = 0x52S = 0x53T = 0x54U = 0x55V = 0x56W = 0x57X = 0x58Y = 0x59Z = 0x5ALeftWindows = 0x5BRightWindows = 0x5CApplication = 0x5DSleep = 0x5FNumpad0 = 0x60Numpad1 = 0x61Numpad2 = 0x62Numpad3 = 0x63Numpad4 = 0x64Numpad5 = 0x65Numpad6 = 0x66Numpad7 = 0x67Numpad8 = 0x68Numpad9 = 0x69Multiply = 0x6AAdd = 0x6BSeparator = 0x6CSubtract = 0x6DDecimal = 0x6EDivide = 0x6FF1 = 0x70F2 = 0x71F3 = 0x72F4 = 0x73F5 = 0x74F6 = 0x75F7 = 0x76F8 = 0x77F9 = 0x78F10 = 0x79F11 = 0x7AF12 = 0x7BF13 = 0x7CF14 = 0x7DF15 = 0x7EF16 = 0x7FF17 = 0x80F18 = 0x81F19 = 0x82F20 = 0x83F21 = 0x84F22 = 0x85F23 = 0x86F24 = 0x87NumLock = 0x90ScrollLock = 0x91NEC_Equal = 0x92LeftShift = 0xA0RightShift = 0xA1LeftControl = 0xA2RightControl = 0xA3LeftMenu = 0xA4RightMenu = 0xA5a couple different things added GetTickCount() was added (self explanatory) hotbar variable was added - this contains your 1st hotbar (I'll add rest later) access it by doing hotbar[index] it returns an ability, soTEXT Code:ability = hotbar[0]casttime = ability.durationUseAbility was added TEXT Code:ability = hotbar[0]UseAbility(ability) The waypoint stuff doesn't do anything yet, I'll finish it when I have timeFunctions exposed to the scripts are: Update() - updates player info (hp, mp etc) Wait() - basically a Sleep() player - object contains, name, hp, mp, target information your script must have a "main" function. it will be called based on the interval specified in config.lua Download Lion [AION BOT]