Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 411
Hello Welcome To Lokeeh's AHK Macros!!!!
What Is AutoHotKey? Auto Hot key is a free to use program that enables anyone to use macros or make macros Will I Get Banned? NO ahk cannot ban due to it not editing any data in csgo or using any files or anything Just think of it as a new button to your computer commands :] __________________________________________________________________________________________
Steps In Order To Use AHK. 1.Download Auto Hot Key Link:Only registered and activated users can see links. 2. Copy and paste anyone of the scripts below save as .ahk (Any name can be used) 3.Once you have saved the file you MUST compile to script and then run as a administrator 4. Have fun using AHK scripts and read instructions ON how to use each one! Since im not gonna repeat myself or nobody should!!!! (If you dont like to the scripts dont use em or just dont flame make your own)
TEXT Code: #NoEnv SendMode Input SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; iloveesl NRA := 1 ; SS ^!p::Suspend ; NR ~LButton:: while GetKeyState("LButton") & NRA { DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, 0, int, 3, uint, 0, int, 0) Sleep, 15 DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, 0, int, 4, uint, 0, int, 0) Sleep, 5 } return ; Nades ~MButton:: if GetKeyState("LButton") { NRA := 0 Sleep, 3000 MouseClick, Left,,,,, U NRA := 1 } return Insert::ExitApp
How To Use: Insert To Exit Script
Bunny Hop Script
TEXT Code: *MButton:: Loop { GetKeyState, state,MButton , P if state = U break Send, {Blind}{Space 1} Sleep 10 } return
How To Use: Use your scroll wheel and keep it pressed as you jump do what you normally do with Bunny Hopping __________________________________________________________________________________________
Tap Fire Script
TEXT Code: $lbutton:: send {lbutton} keywait lbutton return
How To Use: Not really anyway of using you just shoot like you normally do and it should shoot one bullet :/ __________________________________________________________________________________________
All Around Script (Mega Script)
TEXT Code: if not A_IsAdmin { Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" ; Requires v1.0.92.01+ ExitApp } config = ( [MDelaySettings] mouseDelay=30 minMouseDelay=10 [MButtonSettings] RButtonEnabled=false LButtonEnabled=true [BurstSettings] BurstFire=false burst=3 [NoRecoilSettings] norecoil=false movedown=2 [CrossHairSettings] crosshairColor=000000 [VersionInfo] major=1 minor=8 ) IfNotExist c:\AHKScript\config.ini FileCreateDir, C:\AHKScript FileAppend %config%, c:\AHKScript\config.ini ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Constants Includes ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #InstallKeybdHook #InstallMouseHook #NoEnv ;; Version info ;; major := getIni("c:\AHKScript\config.ini", "VersionInfo", "major") minor := getIni("c:\AHKScript\config.ini", "VersionInfo", "minor") version := major "." minor tfVersion := major " point " minor ini := "c:\AHKScript\config.ini" ;; TTS ;; ttsEnabled = true ttsVol = 100 SetWinDelay 0 Coordmode Mouse, Screen OldX := -1, OldY := -1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Functions ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SAPI := ComObjCreate("SAPI.SpVoice") SAPI.volume := 100 say(msg) { ;Text to speech using integrated COM global ttsEnabled if(ttsEnabled == "true") { global SAPI SAPI.speak(msg,1) } } MouseMoveDown(movedownRate) { MouseGetPos x, y MouseMove x, y+movedownRate } getIni(config, section, key) { IniRead value, %config%, %section%, %key% return value } OldX := -1, OldY := -1 ID1 := Box(1,1,A_ScreenHeight) ID2 := Box(2,A_ScreenWidth,1) Box(n,w,h) { ;;By Lazslo from Gui %n%:-Caption +ToolWindow +E0x20 ; No title bar, No taskbar button, Transparent for clicks Gui %n%: Show, X0 Y0 W%w% H%h% ; Show it cColor := getIni("config.ini", "CrossHairSettings", "crosshairColor") Gui 1:Color, %cColor% Gui 2:Color, %cColor% WinGet ID, ID, A ; ...with HWND/handle ID Winset AlwaysOnTop,ON,ahk_id %ID% ; Keep it always on the top WinSet Transparent,255,ahk_id %ID% ; Opaque Return ID } RGBtoHEX(R, G, B) { SetFormat, integer, hex R += 0 ; Convert from decimal to hex. G += 0 B += 0 RGB := (R*0x10000) + (G*0x100) + (B*0x1) return %RGB% } ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Startup message ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; welcomeMsg = Universal Rapid Fire version %tfVersion% has finished loading. You can get help by pressing CONTROL PLUS SHIFT PLUS H say(welcomeMsg) ;Loading message ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Variables and configuration ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Mouse delay settings ;; mouseDelay := getIni("c:\AHKScript\config.ini", "MDelaySettings", "mouseDelay") minMouseDelay := getIni("c:\AHKScript\config.ini", "MDelaySettings", "minMouseDelay") ;; Mouse button settings ;; RButtonEnabled := getIni("c:\AHKScript\config.ini", "MButtonSettings", "RButtonEnabled") LButtonEnabled := getIni("c:\AHKScript\config.ini", "MButtonSettings", "LButtonEnabled") ;; Burst settings ;; BurstFire := getIni("c:\AHKScript\config.ini", "BurstSettings", "BurstFire") burst := getIni("c:\AHKScript\config.ini", "BurstSettings", "burst") ;; No recoil settings ;; norecoil := getIni("c:\AHKScript\config.ini", "NoRecoilSettings", "norecoil") movedown := getIni("c:\AHKScript\config.ini", "NoRecoilSettings", "movedown") ;; Crosshair settings ;; crosshairColor := getIni("c:\AHKScript\config.ini", "CrossHairSettings", "crosshairColor") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Application settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ^+s:: ;Temporarily suspends the application Suspend, Toggle return ^+e:: ;Exits the application GoSub ExitSub return !+s:: ;Toggle TTS if(ttsEnabled == "false") { ttsEnabled = true say("Text to speech has been enabled") } else { say("Text to speech has been disabled") ttsEnabled = false } return ^+RButton:: if(RButtonEnabled == "false") { RButtonEnabled = true say("Right mouse button is now rapid fire enabled") } else { RBUttonEnabled = false say("Right mouse button is now rapid fire disabled") } return ^+LButton:: if(LButtonEnabled == "false") { LButtonEnabled = true say("Left mouse button is now rapid fire enabled") } else { LBUttonEnabled = false say("Left mouse button is now rapid fire disabled") } return ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Mouse delay settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ^+d:: ;Says the current mouse delay msg = Your current mouse delay is %mouseDelay%. say(msg) return ^+up:: ;Increase the mouse delay mouseDelay := mouseDelay + 10 return ^+down:: ;Decrease the mouse delay if(mouseDelay > minMouseDelay) { mouseDelay := mouseDelay - 10 } else { msg = The mouse delay cannot go below %minMouseDelay%. say(msg) } return ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Burst settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ^+b:: ;Toggles burst fire (x-shots/30ms) if(BurstFire == "false") { BurstFire = true } else { BurstFire = false } return !+b:: ;Says the current burst amount msg = Your current burst amount is %burst%. say(msg) return !+up:: ;Increase burst amount burst := burst + 1 return !+down:: ;Decrease burst amount if(burst > 1) { burst := burst - 1 } else { msg = The burst amount cannot go below 1 say(msg) } return ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; No recoil settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ^+n:: if(norecoil == "false") { norecoil = true say("No recoil has been enabled") } else { norecoil = false say("No recoil has been disabled") } return ^+m:: msg = No recoil: %movedown% say(msg) return #+up:: movedown := movedown + 1 return #+down:: movedown := movedown - 1 return ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Crosshair settings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ^+c:: ;Toggles crosshair If OldX = -1 SetTimer crosshair, 1 Else { SetTimer crosshair, Off Gui 1: Show, X0 Y0 Gui 2: Show, X0 Y0 ToolTip OldX := -1, OldY := -1 } return #+c:: ;Crosshair color InputBox, R, Color selection, Please enter the amount of red to use InputBox, G, Color selection, Please enter the amount of green to use InputBox, B, Color selection, Please enter the amount of blue to use crosshairColor := RGBtoHEX(R, G, B) Gui 1:Color, %crosshairColor% Gui 2:Color, %crosshairColor% msgbox The crosshair color has been changed to %crosshairColor% return ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Misc. commands ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ^+h:: Run, return ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Key bindings ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ^+MButton:: ;Make a 360 degree turn (lol trick shots) MouseGetPos x, y MouseMove X+790, Y return #if LButtonEnabled == "true" ~$LButton:: ;Left mouse button rapid fire if(BurstFire == "false") { Loop { SetMouseDelay mouseDelay Click if (norecoil == "true") MouseMoveDown(movedown) if (GetKeyState("LButton", "P")=0) break } } else { Loop %burst% { Click Sleep 30 } Sleep 300 } return #if RButtonEnabled == "true" ~$RButton:: ;Right mouse button rapid fire if(BurstFire == "false") { Loop { SetMouseDelay mouseDelay Click right if (norecoil == "true") MouseMoveDown(movedown) if (GetKeyState("RButton", "P")=0) break } } else { Loop %burst% { Click right Sleep 30 } Sleep 300 } return crosshair: MouseGetPos RulerX, RulerY If (OldX <> RulerX) { OldX := RulerX WinMove ahk_id %ID1%,, %RulerX% } If (OldY <> RulerY) { OldY := RulerY WinMove ahk_id %ID2%,,,%RulerY% } Return #Persistent OnExit, ExitSub return ExitSub: IniWrite %mouseDelay%, c:\AHKScript\config.ini, MDelaySettings, mouseDelay IniWrite %minMouseDelay%, c:\AHKScript\config.ini, MDelaySettings, minMouseDelay IniWrite %RButtonEnabled%, c:\AHKScript\config.ini, MButtonSettings, RButtonEnabled IniWrite %LButtonEnabled%, c:\AHKScript\config.ini, MButtonSettings, LButtonEnabled IniWrite %BurstFire%, c:\AHKScript\config.ini, BurstSettings, BurstFire IniWrite %burst%, c:\AHKScript\config.ini, BurstSettings, burst IniWrite %norecoil%, c:\AHKScript\config.ini, NoRecoilSettings, norecoil IniWrite %movedown%, c:\AHKScript\config.ini, NoRecoilSettings, movedown IniWrite %crosshairColor%, c:\AHKScript\config.ini, crosshairSettings, CrosshairColor IniWrite %VersionInf%, c:\AHKScript\config.ini, VersionInf, ver ExitApp Return
How To Use: Application: CTRL + SHIFT + S: Temporarily suspends the application CTRL + SHIFT + E: Exits the application ALT + SHIFT + S: Toggles TTS (text-to-speech) CTRL + SHIFT + U: Checks for updates CTRL + SHIFT + RButton: Toggle right mouse button for rapid fire CTRL + SHIFT + LButton: Toggle left mouse button for rapid fire Mouse delay settings: CTRL + SHIFT + D: Says the current mouse delay through TTS. CTRL + SHIFT + UP: Increases the mouse delay. CTRL + SHIFT + DOWN: Decreases the mouse delay. Burst settings: CTRL + SHIFT + B: Toggles burst fire. ALT + SHIFT + B: Says the current burst amount ALT + SHIFT + UP: Increases the burst amount by one ALT + SHIFT + DOWN: Decreases the burst amount by one No recoil settings: CTRL + SHIFT + N: Toggles no recoil mode CTRL + SHIFT + M: Says the no recoil amount (idk what to call it lol) WIN KEY + SHIFT + UP: Increases the no recoil amount WIN KEY + SHIFT + DOWN: Decreases the no recoil amount Crosshair settings: CTRL + SHIFT + C: Toggles the crosshair WIN KEY + SHIFT + C: Opens the "change color" dialog. Misc. commands: CTRL + SHIFT + H: Help
Yes It Is Fully Adjustable I give Credits for this big one (No i did not make this one) to a friend in the ahk Community named xxOrpheus
Hope Some of these scripts could be helpful to you guys :]
Credits: -Sincerely -Lokeeh