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Internal/External Customizable Multi-Hack

icon Internal/External Customizable Multi-Hack #1

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 1959

Kategorie: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Entwickler: Puddin Poppin

ActivationKey(int) - VirtualKey code of button that activates the aimbot
EnableFire(1 or 0) - Enable/disable auto firing when the aimbot is active(only full auto weapons).
EnableRandomPitchRecoilReductionFactor(1 or 0) - Enable/disable a random value to be generated and used as recoil reduction for recoil on the pitch axis
EnableRandomYawRecoilReductionFactor(1 or 0) - Enable/disable a random value to be generated and used as recoil reduction for recoil on the yawaxis
EnableTimeout(1 or 0) - Enable/disable a timeout in milliseconds for the aimbot
Enabled(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the aimbot entirely
IgnoreShotCount(int) - The number of shots before the aimbot is activated
MaxRandomPitch(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - The maximum value for randomly generated pitch axis recoil reduction
MaxRandomYaw(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - The maximum value for randomly generated yaw axis recoil reduction
MinRandomPitch(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - The minimum value for randomly generated pitch axis recoil reduction
MinRandomYaw(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - The minimum value for randomly generated yaw axis recoil reduction
TargetJumpingPlayers(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the targeting of jumping players
SmoothPercent(int, 1 to 99) - The percentage of how smooth the aimbot should aim
StaticPitch(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - A static value for pitch axis recoil reduction
StaticYaw(float, 2.0 for perfect compensation) - A static value for yaw axis recoil reduction
TargetBone(int) - The index of which bone of the playermodel the aimbot should aim at
Timeout(int) - The time in milliseconds that the aimbot is active for before timing out

ActivationKey(int) - VirtualKey code of button that activates the triggerbot
EnableTimeout(1 or 0) - Enable/disable a timeout in milliseconds for the triggerbot
Enabled (1 or 0) - Enable/disable the triggerbot entirely
FirstShotDelay(int) - The delay in milliseconds before the first shot is fired
FollowUpDelay(int) - The delay in milliseconds between each shot
Timeout(int) - The time in milliseconds that the triggerbot is active for before timing out

DrawEnemyBones(1 or 0, NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy skeleton
DrawEnemyBox(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy box
DrawEnemyHealthBar(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy healthbar
DrawEnemyNameText(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy name
DrawEnemySnapLines (1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of enemy snaplines
DrawFriendlyBones(1 or 0, NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly skeleton
DrawFriendlyBox(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly box
DrawFriendlyHealthBar(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly healthbar
DrawFriendlyNameText(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly name
DrawFriendlySnapLines(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of friendly snaplines
DrawRecoilMarker(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the drawing of recoil crosshair
EnableTargetBoneHighlight(1 or 0, NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) - Enable/disable the highlight of the currently targeted enemy skeleton
EnableTargetBoxHighlight(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the highlight of currently targeted enemy box
EnableTargetSnapLineHighlight(1 or 0) - Enable/disable the highlight of currently targeted enemy snapline
Enabled (1 or 0) - Enable/disable the esp entirely
EnemyBoxColor(ARGB Color) - The color of enemy box
EnemyBoxLineWidth(float) - The width of enemy box lines
EnemyBoxOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy box outline
EnemyBoxOutlineWidth(float) - The width of enemy box outline
EnemyHealthBarBackColor(ARGB Color) - The back color of the enemy healthbar
EnemyHealthBarFrontColor(ARGB Color) - The front color of the enemy healthbar
EnemyHealthBarOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy healthbar outline
EnemyHealthBarOutlineWidth(float) - the width of enemy healthbar outline
EnemyHealthBarWidth(float) - the width of enemy healthbar
EnemyNameOutlineTextColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy name outline
EnemyNameTextColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy name
EnemySnapLineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy snapline
EnemySnapLineOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the enemy snapline outline
EnemySnapLineOutlineWidth(float) - the width of enemy snapline outline
EnemySnapLineWidth(float) - the width of enemy snapline
FriendlyBoxColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly box
FriendlyBoxLineWidth(float) - the width of friendly box lines
FriendlyBoxOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly box outline
FriendlyBoxOutlineWidth(float) - the width of friendly box outline
FriendlyHealthBarBackColor(ARGB Color) - The back color of the friendly healthbar
FriendlyHealthBarFrontColor(ARGB Color) - The front color of the friendly healthbar
FriendlyHealthBarOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly healthbar outline
FriendlyHealthBarOutlineWidth(float) - the width of friendly healthbar outline
FriendlyHealthBarWidth(float) - the width of friendly healthbar
FriendlyNameOutlineTextColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly name outline
FriendlyNameTextColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly name
FriendlySnapLineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly snapline
FriendlySnapLineOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the friendly snapline outline
FriendlySnapLineOutlineWidth(float) - the width of friendly snapline outline
FriendlySnapLineWidth(float) - the width of friendly snapline
RecoilMarkerColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the recoil crosshair
RecoilMarkerLineWidth(float) - the width of recoil crosshair lines
RecoilMarkerOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the recoil crosshair outline
RecoilMarkerOutlineWidth(float) - the width of recoil crosshair outline
RecoilMarkerSize(float) - the size of the recoil crosshair
RecoilMarkerType(1 = circle, or 2 = crosshair) - the type of recoil crosshair
TargetEnemyBoxColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the currently targeted enemy box
TargetEnemyBoxLineWidth(float) - the width of currently targeted enemy box lines
TargetEnemyBoxOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the currently targeted enemy box outline
TargetEnemyBoxOutlineWidth(float) - the width of currently targeted enemy box outline
TargetEnemySnapLineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the currently targeted enemy snapline
TargetEnemySnapLineOutlineColor(ARGB Color) - The color of the currently targeted enemy snapline
TargetEnemySnapLineOutlineWidth(float) - the width of currently targeted enemy snapline outline
TargetEnemySnapLineWidth(float) - the width of currently targeted enemy snapline

Control+F1 to reload the settings
Control+F2 to close the hack

1.) Make sure you have the correct offsets in your settings file and the path to the settings file is "C:\PP-Multi\Settings.txt". Make sure you do not include the extention ".txt" in the file name as the path would be "C:\PP-Multi\Settings.txt.txt".
2.) Exit steam completely.
3.) Start your injector.
4.) Find/Open any 32-bit application that is not a steam process. Preferably an application that is not likely used by many people.
5.) Inject the hack into the 32-bit application.
6.) Close injector.
7.) Start steam/csgo
8.) Enjoy

ESP supports full-screen windowed mode ONLY


TEXT Code:
  2. Offsets.EntitySize = 0x10
  3. Offsets.RadarName1 = 0x1E0
  4. Offsets.RadarName2 = 0x24
  5. Offsets.m_bDormant = 0x000000E9
  6. Offsets.m_dwBoneMatrix = 0x00000A74
  7. Offsets.m_dwClientState = 0x005D2214
  8. Offsets.m_dwEntityList = 0x04A35A44
  9. Offsets.m_dwLocalPlayer = 0x00A9330C
  10. Offsets.m_dwLocalPlayerIndex = 0x00000160
  11. Offsets.m_dwRadarBase = 0x04A6A67C
  12. Offsets.m_dwRadarBasePointer = 0x00000050
  13. Offsets.m_dwViewAngle = 0x00004CE0
  14. Offsets.m_dwViewMatrix = 0x04A2AF84
  15. Offsets.m_fFlags = 0x00000100
  16. Offsets.m_iCrossHairID = 0x00008CE4
  17. Offsets.m_iHealth = 0x000000FC
  18. Offsets.m_iShotsFired = 0x00008640
  19. Offsets.m_iTeamNum = 0x000000F0
  20. Offsets.m_lifeState = 0x0000025B
  21. Offsets.m_vecOrigin = 0x00000134
  22. Offsets.m_vecPunch = 0x000013E0
  23. Offsets.m_vecVelocity = 0x00000110
  24. Offsets.m_vecViewOffset = 0x00000104
  25. AimbotSettings.ActivationKey = 1
  26. AimbotSettings.EnableFire = 0
  27. AimbotSettings.EnableRandomPitchRecoilReductionFactor = 1
  28. AimbotSettings.EnableRandomYawRecoilReductionFactor = 1
  29. AimbotSettings.EnableTimeout = 1
  30. AimbotSettings.Enabled = 1
  31. AimbotSettings.IgnoreShotCount = 1
  32. AimbotSettings.MaxRandomPitch = 2.2
  33. AimbotSettings.MaxRandomYaw = 2.2
  34. AimbotSettings.MinRandomPitch = 2
  35. AimbotSettings.MinRandomYaw = 2
  36. AimbotSettings.TargetJumpingPlayers = 0
  37. AimbotSettings.SmoothPercent = 90
  38. AimbotSettings.StaticPitch = 2
  39. AimbotSettings.StaticYaw = 2
  40. AimbotSettings.TargetBone = 6
  41. AimbotSettings.Timeout = 500
  42. EspSettings.DrawEnemyBones = 0
  43. EspSettings.DrawEnemyBox = 1
  44. EspSettings.DrawEnemyHealthBar = 1
  45. EspSettings.DrawEnemyNameText = 1
  46. EspSettings.DrawEnemySnapLines = 1
  47. EspSettings.DrawFriendlyBones = 0
  48. EspSettings.DrawFriendlyBox = 1
  49. EspSettings.DrawFriendlyHealthBar = 1
  50. EspSettings.DrawFriendlyNameText = 1
  51. EspSettings.DrawFriendlySnapLines = 1
  52. EspSettings.DrawRecoilMarker = 1
  53. EspSettings.EnableTargetBoneHighlight = 0
  54. EspSettings.EnableTargetBoxHighlight = 1
  55. EspSettings.EnableTargetSnapLineHighlight = 1
  56. EspSettings.Enabled = 1
  57. EspSettings.EnemyBoxColor = (255, 000, 255, 000)
  58. EspSettings.EnemyBoxLineWidth = 1
  59. EspSettings.EnemyBoxOutlineColor = (255, 000, 000, 000)
  60. EspSettings.EnemyBoxOutlineWidth = 1
  61. EspSettings.EnemyHealthBarBackColor = (255, 255, 000, 000)
  62. EspSettings.EnemyHealthBarFrontColor = (255, 000, 255, 000)
  63. EspSettings.EnemyHealthBarOutlineColor = (255, 000, 000, 000)
  64. EspSettings.EnemyHealthBarOutlineWidth = 1
  65. EspSettings.EnemyHealthBarWidth = 3
  66. EspSettings.EnemyNameOutlineTextColor = (255, 000, 000, 000)
  67. EspSettings.EnemyNameTextColor = (255, 000, 255, 000)
  68. EspSettings.EnemySnapLineColor = (255, 000, 255, 000)
  69. EspSettings.EnemySnapLineOutlineColor = (255, 000, 000, 000)
  70. EspSettings.EnemySnapLineOutlineWidth = 1
  71. EspSettings.EnemySnapLineWidth = 1
  72. EspSettings.FriendlyBoxColor = (255, 000, 255, 255)
  73. EspSettings.FriendlyBoxLineWidth = 1
  74. EspSettings.FriendlyBoxOutlineColor = (255, 000, 000, 000)
  75. EspSettings.FriendlyBoxOutlineWidth = 1
  76. EspSettings.FriendlyHealthBarBackColor = (255, 255, 000, 000)
  77. EspSettings.FriendlyHealthBarFrontColor = (255, 000, 255, 255)
  78. EspSettings.FriendlyHealthBarOutlineColor = (255, 000, 000, 000)
  79. EspSettings.FriendlyHealthBarOutlineWidth = 1
  80. EspSettings.FriendlyHealthBarWidth = 3
  81. EspSettings.FriendlyNameOutlineTextColor = (255, 000, 000, 000)
  82. EspSettings.FriendlyNameTextColor = (255, 000, 255, 255)
  83. EspSettings.FriendlySnapLineColor = (255, 000, 255, 255)
  84. EspSettings.FriendlySnapLineOutlineColor = (255, 000, 000, 000)
  85. EspSettings.FriendlySnapLineOutlineWidth = 1
  86. EspSettings.FriendlySnapLineWidth = 1
  87. EspSettings.RecoilMarkerColor = (255, 000, 255, 000)
  88. EspSettings.RecoilMarkerLineWidth = 1
  89. EspSettings.RecoilMarkerOutlineColor = (255, 000, 000, 000)
  90. EspSettings.RecoilMarkerOutlineWidth = 1
  91. EspSettings.RecoilMarkerSize = 11
  92. EspSettings.RecoilMarkerType = 2
  93. EspSettings.TargetEnemyBoxColor = (255, 255, 255, 255)
  94. EspSettings.TargetEnemyBoxLineWidth = 2
  95. EspSettings.TargetEnemyBoxOutlineColor = (255, 000, 000, 000)
  96. EspSettings.TargetEnemyBoxOutlineWidth = 1
  97. EspSettings.TargetEnemySnapLineColor = (255, 255, 255, 255)
  98. EspSettings.TargetEnemySnapLineOutlineColor = (255, 000, 000, 000)
  99. EspSettings.TargetEnemySnapLineOutlineWidth = 1
  100. EspSettings.TargetEnemySnapLineWidth = 2
  101. TriggerbotSettings.ActivationKey = 4
  102. TriggerbotSettings.EnableTimeout = 1
  103. TriggerbotSettings.Enabled = 1
  104. TriggerbotSettings.FirstShotDelay = 1
  105. TriggerbotSettings.FollowUpDelay = 100
  106. TriggerbotSettings.Timeout = 3000


Internal/External Customizable Multi-Hack

icon #2

Join Date: Sep 2015

Posts: 42


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icon #3

Join Date: Oct 2015

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working? not a virus?
icon #4

Join Date: Aug 2015

Posts: 1

Quote from James888 post
working? not a virus?
nope not working
icon #5

Join Date: Oct 2015

Posts: 2

Quote from svedego post
Quote from James888 post
working? not a virus?
nope not working
Any working hacks for cs?
icon #6

Join Date: Aug 2015

Posts: 5


icon #7

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icon #8

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work no-steam? help
icon #9

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Quote from TitanOfSun post
fuck logic.
icon #10

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This shit doesnt work
icon #11

Join Date: Aug 2015

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icon #12

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 1959

Kategorie: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Entwickler: Puddin Poppin



Control+F1 to reload the settings
Control+F2 to close the hack

1.) Make sure you have the correct offsets in your settings file and the path to the settings file is "C:\PP-Multi\Settings.txt". Make sure you do not include the extention ".txt" in the file name as the path would be "C:\PP-Multi\Settings.txt.txt".
2.) Exit steam completely.
3.) Start your injector.
4.) Find/Open any 32-bit application that is not a steam process. Preferably an application that is not likely used by many people.
5.) Inject the hack into the 32-bit application.
6.) Close injector.
7.) Start steam/csgo
8.) Enjoy

ESP supports full-screen windowed mode ONLY


Internal/External Customizable Multi-Hack #2
icon #13

Join Date: Oct 2015

Posts: 2

no settings file found
icon #14

Join Date: Oct 2015

Posts: 1

dont work
icon #15

Join Date: Aug 2015

Posts: 4

give me the hack in skype here dont work ):\
icon #16

Join Date: Aug 2015

Posts: 18

Quote from herculezzz post
sterbt an aids cheater
was machst du auf dieser Seite ? ^^

icon #17

Join Date: Aug 2007

Posts: 1959

Kategorie: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Entwickler: Puddin Poppin

Control+F1 to reload the settings
Control+F2 to close the hack

1.) Make sure you have the correct offsets in your settings file and the path to the settings file is "C:\PP-Multi\Settings.txt". Make sure you do not include the extention ".txt" in the file name as the path would be "C:\PP-Multi\Settings.txt.txt".
2.) Exit steam completely.
3.) Start your injector.
4.) Find/Open any 32-bit application that is not a steam process. Preferably an application that is not likely used by many people.
5.) Inject the hack into the 32-bit application.
6.) Close injector.
7.) Start steam/csgo
8.) Enjoy


Internal/External Customizable Multi-Hack 1.1
icon #18

Join Date: Aug 2015

Posts: 13


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I play 2 MM and i Have VAC 
icon #19

Join Date: Oct 2015

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hahahah obwiniajcie Siebie bo sami pograliście cheata narażając Siena VACA
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This post has been rated by:
hancok13151 (Thu 31. Dec 2015, 22:41)
icon #20

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Posts: 23