Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 8643
Quote Cheat: Dev Cheats
cl_drawhud: removed Wire frame models: mat_wireframe1 Only objects effected by physics are wireframe: vcollide_wireframe 1 Draw game triggers: showtriggers_toggle Draw normal maps: mat_normalmaps 1 Draw surface materials: mat_normals 1 Turn off bump mapping: mat_fastnobump 0 impulse 200: removes weapon model from the screen
Quote Less Almost No Recoil: cl_predictweapons 0
Less Almost Spread: cl_predict 0 (laggs)
Best SpeedHack: host_timescale 3.0 (1.0 = default)
2nd SpeedHack: host_framerate 20
JumpHack: sv_gravity
sound esp: snd_show 1 snd_visualize 1
wireframe model hack: r_drawothermodels 2 (Default= 1)
Asus Wallhack1 and no flash: Mat_fillrate 1
Asus Wallhack2: mat_proxy 2 (Default=0)
Player Box ESP/Wallhack: (a bit laggy) r_partition_level 0 (default= -1)
Brushmodel Wallhack: r_drawbrushmodels 0
Entity Box Wallhack: mem_force_flush 1
Player/ Weapon ESP: r_drawmodelstatsoverlay 1
Enamy Checker: cl_leveloverview 2
Shadow ESP: r_shadowwireframe 1
Impact ESP/Impact Predictor/ Tracer ESP: r_visualizetraces 1 r_rainspeed 0
tracer esp: r_visualizelighttraces 1
Fire / Smoke ESP: cl_particles_show_bbox 1
sv_cheat bypass: sv_cheats 1
Consistency Bypass: Sv_consistency 0
Chrome Models: r_showenvcubemap 1
No Smoke: r_drawparticles 0
Events: Fire beacon: r_drawlights 1 Player Boxes: r_drawrenderboxes 1 Living/Dead Player Indicator: vcollide_wireframe 1
no fog: fog_enable 0
fullbright: mat_fullbright 1
White Walls: mat_fullbright 2
Blue Walls: mat_normalmaps 1
Luxels (Squares On Walls): mat_luxels 1
Zoom Hack: _aspectratio 0.3 (Default= 0)
Unlock max down and up sight: cl_pitchup 900 cl_pitchdown 900
Crosshair Cheat: Very Small Cross Cheat: cl_crosshairscale 2000 medium Cross Cheat: cl_crosshairscale 1200
No Bob: cl_bobcycle 0
hitlocation ESP: r_modelwireframedecal 1
Random Player Hitbox tracer: sv_showplayerhitboxes 1
Impact Marker: sv_showimpacts 1
Wire Frame Wallhack Menu: perfui
thirdperson: thirdperson firstperson
Low Resolution Images, Celled Walls: mat_showlowresimage 1
texture location: mat_surfaceid (voor memory addres), mat_surfacemat (voor texture naam)
Memory Adress Finder: vgui_drawtree 1 greetz KN4CK3R