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Vac System

icon Vac System #1

Anmeldungsdatum: Okt 2014

Beiträge: 27


0 positiv
4 negativ
Hey Guys !
The Vac System to all the CS [ CS:GO , CS:S , CS 1.6 ] its the same ?
i mean hack that work on CS:S & undetected on CS:S
Will work on CS:GO & undetected on CS:GO ?

thx for help !

icon #2

Anmeldungsdatum: Jul 2014

Beiträge: 34


1 positiv
1 negativ
i dont rly understand what u mean.
1. Hacks that r for cs 1.6 / source or whatever are not going to work on cs:go
2. Vac system as the name says is a vac system... works the same on every vac secured game/servers
3. There is no such thing as undetected public hacks. Every publicly released hack will be sooner or later detected and players using it (unless they do "read no.4") are going to be banned in soon future
4. If u open a hack without changing its directory / name/ hash change it - u will likely (~~90% chance) to be banned
Zuletzt geändert von lediv (Mo 13. Okt 2014, 16:52)

Grund: kein Grund angegeben

icon #3

Anmeldungsdatum: Mär 2011

Beiträge: 978


89 positiv
6 negativ
Zitat von lediv post
i dont rly understand what u mean.
1. Hacks that r for cs 1.6 / source or whatever are not going to work on cs:go
2. Vac system as the name says is a vac system... works the same on every vac secured game/servers
3. There is no such thing as undetected public hacks. Every publicly released hack will be sooner or later detected and players using it (unless they do "read no.4") are going to be banned in soon future
4. If u open a hack without changing its directory / name/ hash change it - u will likely (~~90% chance) to be banned

1. wrong. (for example oshfusion works for css and csgo - also there are frameworks, which support for example the whole hl1 and hl2 engine), however a hack which only supports cs1.6 or css wont surprisingly work @ cs:go - if the hack doesnt state it works for game xy, it wont magically work for it.
2. nope. there are big differences at different games, though some part of the anticheat stays the same, other parts differ.
3. bullshit, for example my AryanRadar is publicly available and undetected for about 2 years now. Better expression should state "theres no such thing as permanently undetected hacks" - all hacks may get detected at some point, just when is a point which may differ based if its public/vip/private status.
4. bullshit, though its common sense to change the folder structure/name/hash of public hacks - this might have applied in the past, however at the current state of vac this doesnt offer much protection as vac checks way more things.

to get back at the op question:
the vac system is NOT the same (cs1.6 is whole different, css and csgo are similar, however not the same and csgo got 2 more protections - overwatch, and untrusted matchmaking).



Zitat von xst
Vater KN4CK3R, der du hängst im irc, geheiligt werde dein Botnet, dein P7 v1.337 komme, die Bannwelle geschehe, wie in CS:S als auch in CS:GO, führe uns nicht in Versuchung, sondern erlöse uns von all dem c+p-Shit.
Zitat von f4gsh0t_h4x
VAC ist an,immer,überall
Zitat von gibson.w
Ich mag braune Würstchen
Zitat von irc
<SilverDeath> KN4CK3R bistn nub
<~KN4CK3R> kk
Zitat von irc
<OrkSchamane> das prob is das viele dieser eig. recht guten bücher englisch sind ...
<OrkSchamane> da habe ich's ja doppelt schwer
<~KN4CK3R> falsch
<~KN4CK3R> das prob is dass du programmieren willst ohne englisch zu können
Zitat von irc
<SilverDeath> Ich schwöre dir Dr_Pepper Ich bumms deine Mutter tot Mann!
<Dr_Pepper> danke.
<SilverDeath> bitte
Zitat von irc
<~KN4CK3R> dann liegts wenigstens an mir
<~KN4CK3R> nur noch rausfinden warum -.-
<SilverDeath> ja sicher
<SilverDeath> an wem sonst?
* You were kicked by KN4CK3R (kick)
Zitat von Dr_Pepper
ihr seit beide dumm
Zuletzt geändert von SilverFire (Mo 13. Okt 2014, 17:25)

Grund: kein Grund angegeben

3 positiv
0 negativ
Dieser Beitrag wurde bewertet von:
Dr_Pepper (Mo 13. Okt 2014, 17:35), Lucky_Luke (Mo 13. Okt 2014, 17:42), Olmoody (Mo 13. Okt 2014, 18:29)