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bypass the sv_pure check?

icon bypass the sv_pure check? #1

Anmeldungsdatum: Jul 2013

Beiträge: 6

so i tried to change the crc32 checksum + filesize.. but still doesnt work.. server will say it does not match.. blabla..

what else is the server checking?? or is it even possible??

icon #2

Anmeldungsdatum: Jan 2009

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Zitat von realstyla post
so i tried to change the crc32 checksum + filesize.. but still doesnt work.. server will say it does not match.. blabla..

what else is the server checking?? or is it even possible??
If the server runs on sv_pure 2 it blocks all customfiles you have installed in your gamefolder.
It takes the needed files out of their archives (.vpk)
There was a way to bypass it in case of modded footstep-sounds and muted ambient-sounds but I'm too lazy to search for it now.
you can't


icon #3

Anmeldungsdatum: Mai 2013

Beiträge: 95


40 positiv
5 negativ
Zitat von xst post
Zitat von realstyla post
so i tried to change the crc32 checksum + filesize.. but still doesnt work.. server will say it does not match.. blabla..

what else is the server checking?? or is it even possible??
If the server runs on sv_pure 2 it blocks all customfiles you have installed in your gamefolder.
It takes the needed files out of their archives (.vpk)
There was a way to bypass it in case of modded footstep-sounds and muted ambient-sounds but I'm too lazy to search for it now.
you can't

xst is right. You can bypass it by hooking the file checksum functions tho but its not worth it imo.
icon #4

Anmeldungsdatum: Jul 2013

Beiträge: 6

yea but how is the system even "getting it".. i mean.. checksum is like the original and the filesize too.. still get caught.. there must be one more check

and yea i mean the .vpk files
icon #5

Anmeldungsdatum: Mär 2011

Beiträge: 978


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6 negativ
afaik it does md5 hashing and not crc anymore.



Zitat von xst
Vater KN4CK3R, der du hängst im irc, geheiligt werde dein Botnet, dein P7 v1.337 komme, die Bannwelle geschehe, wie in CS:S als auch in CS:GO, führe uns nicht in Versuchung, sondern erlöse uns von all dem c+p-Shit.
Zitat von f4gsh0t_h4x
VAC ist an,immer,überall
Zitat von gibson.w
Ich mag braune Würstchen
Zitat von irc
<SilverDeath> KN4CK3R bistn nub
<~KN4CK3R> kk
Zitat von irc
<OrkSchamane> das prob is das viele dieser eig. recht guten bücher englisch sind ...
<OrkSchamane> da habe ich's ja doppelt schwer
<~KN4CK3R> falsch
<~KN4CK3R> das prob is dass du programmieren willst ohne englisch zu können
Zitat von irc
<SilverDeath> Ich schwöre dir Dr_Pepper Ich bumms deine Mutter tot Mann!
<Dr_Pepper> danke.
<SilverDeath> bitte
Zitat von irc
<~KN4CK3R> dann liegts wenigstens an mir
<~KN4CK3R> nur noch rausfinden warum -.-
<SilverDeath> ja sicher
<SilverDeath> an wem sonst?
* You were kicked by KN4CK3R (kick)
Zitat von Dr_Pepper
ihr seit beide dumm
Zuletzt geändert von SilverFire (So 23. Nov 2014, 21:25)

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