Kategorie: Other FPS Games Entwickler: Stewart
Beschreibung: A basic external hack for theHunter (Steam).
Make sure you're in windowed mode & have aero enabled. This hack will only work on the STEAM VERSION of theHunter.
TEXT Code: ESP - All animals No Grass No Trees No License (Shoot any animal you want) Delivery Mode (Watch the video below) Refill Ammo (Put your gun away press "R", pull gun out and you should have 100 bullets) (If not then open your inventory and click on the ammo next to your gun, then click on the ammo pack that has 100 bullets.) Zoom +-
TEXT Code: R - Refill Ammo F5 - No Grass F6 - No Trees F7 - No License F8 - Delivery Mode ARROW UP - Zoom + ARROW DOWN - Zoom -
TEXT Code: v1.6 - Game Update - Fixed Refill Ammo v1.5: - Game Update - Changed Keybinds v1.4: - Game Update - Added Delivery Mode v1.3: - Fixed ESP Issues v1.2: - Game Update v1.1: - Changed Keybinds - Added NoLicense (Shoot any animal you want) - Added Refill Ammo - Added Zoom +-

Download: theHunter - External v1.6 |