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Go to first new post [Release] PolyHack Suite: Reborn v1 (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Letzte Seite) Erstellt am: So 1. Nov 2015, 15:30


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hacking my style 

Undetected i use polyhacks since its first realease i got no VAC 

my method;
1.download all needed files then compile the hack you want 
you will get an exe.file
2.use The Enigma protector on the hack you are going to use 
3. rename the hack to something default for ex Notepad.exe or Photoshop.exe
4.run the program with ADMIN RIGHTS always do this this is the important one 
5.compile hacks every 2 days so signature hooks changes and you will be VAC secure
6.use hack to win some rounds then after wining some rounds and you are sure to win FOR ex 11-6 and your winning turn it off 
7. if needed turn on hack again to win games
8.only open the hack if you already in game 
9.dont be to obv because OVERWATCH can ban you iprefer using wall hacks dont ever watch walls to preaim
dmg ranks LE ranks LEM ranks and GE ranks always reviews their replays on what you did to kill them and outplay them if they found out your a hacker steam report is always open 
10.enjoy the game and talk in game donate some weapons ask teamates where are enemies pretend you dont see enemy ;))
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Mo 1. Aug 2016, 18:50

von hqmrawi Go to last post
107 24367

Go to first new post [Release] Dobrev's Radar and GlowESP with Powershell (Auto-updating) (Multi-page thread 1 2 3) Erstellt am: Mi 28. Okt 2015, 11:35


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STILL UD? CSGO GOT UPDATE ON 11-1-2015 2.5 MB update? is it still undetected?tried this yesterday its still working
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Di 24. Mai 2016, 23:34

von Kaynn Go to last post
48 6651

Go to first new post [Release] Dobrev's Radar and GlowESP with Powershell (Auto-updating) (Multi-page thread 1 2 3) Erstellt am: Mi 28. Okt 2015, 11:35


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Zitat von bananapanda post
STILL UD? CSGO GOT UPDATE ON 11-1-2015 2.5 MB update? is it still undetected?tried this yesterday its still working
EDIT; tried it today yes its still undetected! cheers! 
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Di 24. Mai 2016, 23:34

von Kaynn Go to last post
48 6651

Go to first new post [Release] Dobrev's Radar and GlowESP with Powershell (Auto-updating) (Multi-page thread 1 2 3) Erstellt am: Mi 28. Okt 2015, 11:35


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Zitat von hardzzz post
rename the files to something deffirent without HAX or hack, or just rename like "cfg1" , 

because when VAC stacks to scan your FILES they wont see any DLL and EXE on the files 
the only EXE is the powershell and its a default windows program and the readings on the block formats is somewhat diffrent hook pattern than the others.
haha bro this is what i said "))
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Di 24. Mai 2016, 23:34

von Kaynn Go to last post
48 6651

Go to first new post [Release] Multihack 2.95 (ESP-SlowAim-NoRecoil) (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Letzte Seite) Erstellt am: Di 25. Aug 2015, 16:15


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Zitat von joci159 post
bro this UDD? 
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Fr 20. Mai 2016, 18:23

von SwuggerJuggerNugger Go to last post
1104 163554

Go to first new post [Release] Multihack 2.95 (ESP-SlowAim-NoRecoil) (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Letzte Seite) Erstellt am: Di 25. Aug 2015, 16:15


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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Fr 20. Mai 2016, 18:23

von SwuggerJuggerNugger Go to last post
1104 163554

Go to first new post [Release] PolyMeme V2 [PolyLoader] [ESP & Radar] [Fully External] (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Letzte Seite) Erstellt am: So 1. Nov 2015, 15:24


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is this working?
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Sa 20. Feb 2016, 16:00

von MelkorPT Go to last post
219 35559

Go to first new post [Release] OverA's Multiscripts V 3.0 Erstellt am: So 1. Nov 2015, 15:33


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is this working? and undetected??
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Fr 15. Jan 2016, 15:37

von Neilofar Go to last post
8 3515

Go to first new post [Release] Muhittin (Multi-page thread 1 2 3) Erstellt am: Mi 11. Nov 2015, 09:25


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is this UD?
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Fr 1. Jan 2016, 22:37

von darius741 Go to last post
55 17041

Go to first new post [Release] Muhittin (Multi-page thread 1 2 3) Erstellt am: Mi 11. Nov 2015, 09:25


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Undetected good JOB
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Fr 1. Jan 2016, 22:37

von darius741 Go to last post
55 17041

Go to first new post [Release] Muhittin (Multi-page thread 1 2 3) Erstellt am: Mi 11. Nov 2015, 09:25


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but you have missing DLLS
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Fr 1. Jan 2016, 22:37

von darius741 Go to last post
55 17041

Go to first new post [Release] Glow (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Letzte Seite) Erstellt am: Sa 31. Okt 2015, 16:01


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is this undetected?
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Fr 27. Nov 2015, 12:54

von fongwu20 Go to last post
227 30947

Go to first new post [Release] Glow (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Letzte Seite) Erstellt am: Sa 31. Okt 2015, 16:01


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How to be Undetected being a wise hacker?

download your hack
rename the file into something much default program for example is notepad.photoshop,powershell
just rename it to be safe

next if you are getting a EXE FILE of hack download VMprotect or The Enigma Protector protect them and the program should give you a copy of your HACK with its name PROTECTED!what this does? it changes the hook of your hack so VAC can make it much harder to detect

never put hack on the CSGO FOLDER!!
put hack on desktop in a separate folder

mostly DLls are safe THE INJECTOR you are using is not
and noob hacker just inject it without caution and dunno what they are doing so they get VACATION and complain
because they just download and run and play and get VAC and get angry! 

recommended hacks
Polyloaders-this hack changes everytime you compile them into a hack it is like creating your own new hack but same process

DObrevs powershell - POWERSHELL IS a default windows or microsoft hack which is much less to be detected because it is build in the os itself and it is powershell lels

autohotkey hacks- this hacks will never be detected unless you get overwatched!



Code 1738
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Fr 27. Nov 2015, 12:54

von fongwu20 Go to last post
227 30947

Go to first new post [Release] Glow (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Letzte Seite) Erstellt am: Sa 31. Okt 2015, 16:01


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here is the offsets
please FIX THIS i like this one 
DT_WeaponCSBase -> m_fAccuracyPenalty: ________ 0x00003280
DT_BaseAnimating -> m_nForceBone: _____________ 0x00002660
DT_BaseCombatWeapon -> m_iState: ______________ 0x000031C4
DT_BaseCombatWeapon -> m_iClip1: ______________ 0x000031D0
DT_BaseCombatWeapon -> m_flNextPrimaryAttack: _ 0x000031A8
DT_BaseCombatWeapon -> m_bCanReload: __________ 0x00003205
DT_BaseCombatWeapon -> m_iPrimaryAmmoType: ____ 0x000031C8
DT_BaseCombatWeapon -> m_iWeaponID: ___________ 0x000032A0
DT_BaseEntity -> m_bSpotted: __________________ 0x00000935
DT_BaseEntity -> m_bSpottedByMask: ____________ 0x00000978
DT_BaseEntity -> m_hOwnerEntity: ______________ 0x00000148
DT_BaseEntity -> m_vecOrigin: _________________ 0x00000134
DT_BaseEntity -> m_iTeamNum: __________________ 0x000000F0
DT_CSPlayer -> m_flFlashMaxAlpha: _____________ 0x0000A2A4
DT_CSPlayer -> m_flFlashDuration: _____________ 0x0000A2A8
DT_CSPlayer -> m_iGlowIndex: __________________ 0x0000A2C0
DT_CSPlayer -> m_angEyeAngles: ________________ 0x0000A8A8
DT_CSPlayer -> m_iAccount: ____________________ 0x0000A898
DT_CSPlayer -> m_ArmorValue: __________________ 0x0000A8A4
DT_CSPlayer -> m_bGunGameImmunity: ____________ 0x00003850
DT_CSPlayer -> m_iShotsFired: _________________ 0x0000A260
DT_BasePlayer -> m_lifeState: _________________ 0x0000025B
DT_BasePlayer -> m_fFlags: ____________________ 0x00000100
DT_BasePlayer -> m_iHealth: ___________________ 0x000000FC
DT_BasePlayer -> m_hLastWeapon: _______________ 0x000032C8
DT_BasePlayer -> m_hMyWeapons: ________________ 0x00002DC8
DT_BasePlayer -> m_hActiveWeapon: _____________ 0x00002EC8
DT_BasePlayer -> m_Local: _____________________ 0x00002F88
DT_BasePlayer -> m_vecViewOffset[0]: __________ 0x00000104
DT_BasePlayer -> m_nTickBase: _________________ 0x000033EC
DT_BasePlayer -> m_vecVelocity[0]: ____________ 0x00000110
DT_BasePlayer -> m_szLastPlaceName: ___________ 0x00003570
DT_Local -> m_vecPunch: _______________________ 0x00002FF8
DT_Local -> m_iCrossHairID: ___________________ 0x0000A904
BaseEntity -> m_dwModel: ______________________ 0x0000006C
BaseEntity -> m_dwIndex: ______________________ 0x00000064
BaseEntity -> m_dwBoneMatrix: _________________ 0x0000267C
BaseEntity -> m_bMoveType: ____________________ 0x00000258
BaseEntity -> m_bDormant: _____________________ 0x000000E9
ClientState -> m_dwClientState: _______________ 0x005D3234
ClientState -> m_dwLocalPlayerIndex: __________ 0x00000160
ClientState -> m_dwInGame: ____________________ 0x000000E8
ClientState -> m_dwMaxPlayer: _________________ 0x000002F0
ClientState -> m_dwMapDirectory: ______________ 0x00000000
ClientState -> m_dwMapname: ___________________ 0x0000026C
ClientState -> m_dwPlayerInfo: ________________ 0x00005210
ClientState -> m_dwViewAngles: ________________ 0x00004CE0
EngineRender -> m_dwViewMatrix: _______________ 0x04A35424
EngineRender -> m_dwEnginePosition: ___________ 0x006804A4
RadarBase -> m_dwRadarBase: ___________________ 0x04A7849C
RadarBase -> m_dwRadarBasePointer: ____________ 0x00000050
LocalPlayer -> m_dwLocalPlayer: _______________ 0x00A9D45C
EntityList -> m_dwEntityList: _________________ 0x04A43864
WeaponTable -> m_dwWeaponTable: _______________ 0x04A8A8DC
WeaponTable -> m_dwWeaponTableIndex: __________ 0x0000323C
Extra -> m_dwInput: ___________________________ 0x04A8E1A0
Extra -> m_dwGlobalVars: ______________________ 0x004F2BC0
Extra -> m_dwGlowObject: ______________________ 0x00000000 // BROKEN
Extra -> m_dwForceJump: _______________________ 0x04AD807C
Extra -> m_dwForceAttack: _____________________ 0x02EB1E28
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Fr 27. Nov 2015, 12:54

von fongwu20 Go to last post
227 30947