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Go to first new post [Release] MultiSerGioHack Material Wallhack (Multi-page thread 1 2 3) Erstellt am: Do 28. Mai 2015, 13:33


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can u update it? since falchion knife it stopped working
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Di 29. Sep 2015, 20:22

von csrane Go to last post
46 8037

Go to first new post [Help] Mathack since new update! Erstellt am: Di 2. Jun 2015, 01:42


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Materialhack stopped working with the new update (falchion knife addition).. any way to fix it.. so the VPKPatcher works again.. or is there a different method? not sure how to edit the pak_01.dir.vpk...


Materialhack funktioniert nicht mehr seit dem neuen Update (Falchion Knife)... gibt einen weg es wieder zum laufen zu bringen? Damit der VPKPatcher wieder läuft? Oder einfach eine andere Methode? keine Ahnung wie man die pak_01.dir.vpk editieren kann.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Di 2. Jun 2015, 01:42

von realstyla Go to last post
0 317

Go to first new post bypass the sv_pure check? Erstellt am: Mi 19. Nov 2014, 17:50


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so i tried to change the crc32 checksum + filesize.. but still doesnt work.. server will say it does not match.. blabla..

what else is the server checking?? or is it even possible??
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Do 20. Nov 2014, 01:07

von SilverFire Go to last post
4 796

Go to first new post bypass the sv_pure check? Erstellt am: Mi 19. Nov 2014, 17:50


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yea but how is the system even "getting it".. i mean.. checksum is like the original and the filesize too.. still get caught.. there must be one more check

and yea i mean the .vpk files
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Do 20. Nov 2014, 01:07

von SilverFire Go to last post
4 796

Go to first new post [Help] Frage wegen VAC [CS:GO] \ Question about VAC [CS:GO] Erstellt am: Fr 18. Jul 2014, 08:49


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//----- german---------//

hey Leute.. 

ich such eigtl nur Infos darüber wie ich meinen eigenen hack VAC undected mache..

ich find nicht wirklich viel im Inet darüber, hab zwar einiges schon gelesen aber es reicht nicht..

Falls jemand irgendwelche Infos sharen will, wäre es nice... links, Tipps etc.. alles ist hilfreich.. danke im vorraus..

//----- english---------//

hey guys...

i'm just looking for some infos on how to make my own hack undectable against VAC..

I can't find much about it on the internet, i read some stuff but it's not enough...

if anyone wants to share some infos about it, would be nice... links, tips etc.. everything is helpful.. thx in advance..
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Sa 19. Jul 2014, 08:06

von SilverFire Go to last post
1 395
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