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Go to first new post [Release] OldSchoolHack Fusion (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Letzte Seite) Erstellt am: Mo 18. Feb 2013, 14:36


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not worked sf 2
Counter-Strike: Source

Sa 12. Jan 2019, 13:21

von IsaqueGamerzinn Go to last post
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Go to first new post Special force 2 OSHFusion 1.4 Error. Erstellt am: So 29. Sep 2013, 21:21


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I have error when i start game with OSHFusion 1.4.
I'll try to describe the situation when an error occurs :
1.Start OSHFusionLoader.exe as admin.
2.Start Special force 2
3.When special force 2 begins to turn i have error (Windows error)
Link to error it is in polish version
Translated into English :

Special force 2

Has encountered a problem and Special Force 2 will be closed.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
If you're in the job information you were working on might be lost

when I click view more i see it:
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I have instaled :

I use Windows XP sp3.
Special Force 2

Mo 30. Sep 2013, 02:55

von KN4CK3R Go to last post
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