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Go to first new post [Release] OldSchoolHack Fusion (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Letzte Seite) Erstellt am: Mo 18. Feb 2013, 14:36


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I double clicked the oshfusionloader.exe file, selected tribes ascend, then started tribes: ascend, logged in, got to the menu screen, and as soon as I pressed Load hack, Tribes ascend crashed and closed down. 

So I double clicked tribes ascend to reload the game, account was insta banned as they say, didn't even get to use the hack, play or nothing. Windows 8.

anyone can tell me their process, if they got it to work, if it still works I should say? It was for Tribes v1.0.1268.1 that I tried it and using OldSchoolHack Fusion v1.3.3. 
Counter-Strike: Source

Sa 12. Jan 2019, 13:21

von IsaqueGamerzinn Go to last post
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